As Bryce ventured into the 70.3 here are some key takeaways he personally experienced as he headed into the longer distances.
1. Training leading up to the race was very different. A lot more controlled pace and a lot more distance.
2. Nutrition was one of the biggest factor leading up to the race. Getting sufficient nutrition for recovery is always a priority in every training.
3. Trial and error on nutrition for race. Needed to know what brands suit me the best, what to take and how much to take during race as well.
4. Timing of nutrition pre race and during race so that i have constant supply of energy in my body.
And you can watch more of his videos below of his summary of his race weekend with the club and teammates. Do follow him on his youtube!
Highlights include the bike recce, run route recce, swim recce and you might see the Breakaway accommodation for the elites and staff behind the scenes.
If you are keen to venture on a longer distance with us, our coaches and athletes, email us at